There are over 300,000 cases of oral and lip cancer worldwide. Oral cancer, also known as mouth cancer, develops in the mouth’s tissues (oral cavity). Men are at a …
Sugars are simple carbohydrates. Our body requires glucose converted from carbohydrates to fuel energy and brain function. Consuming sugar in moderation can be healthy, which is the secret to …
Do you have any outstanding dental treatments? Did you miss an appointment due to COVID-19? Mountain View Dental is open and able to accept both elective, routine and emergency …
Dr. Mansperger and his team provide general dental procedures with a special emphasis on health, functionality and aesthetic design. He strongly believes that every type of dental work should …
We have noticed an alarming trend. Due to the increased stress and anxiety from COVID-19, patients are grinding and clenching more. This results in an increased need for nightguards. …
We respect and understand that many patients experience dental anxiety. At our office, we do everything we can to make sure that your experience is as enjoyable as possible. …
February is National Children’s Dental Health month. Established as a one day event in Ohio in 1941, the concept has grown to a month long nationwide celebration. Focusing on …
February is National Children’s Dental Health month. Established as a one day event in Ohio in 1941, the concept has grown to a month long nationwide celebration. Focusing on …
February is National Children’s Dental Health month. Established as a one day event in Ohio in 1941, the concept has grown to a month long nationwide celebration. Focusing on …